Logseq plugin

How to Create a Logseq Plugin

Introduction Ever since I discovered Logseq, I have been using it as my daily note taking tool. It has a lot of powerful features, and if you think something is missing, you could easily find or write a plugin that suits your needs. In this post, I will show you how to write your own Logseq plugin. We will be implementing a command that we could use in the Logseq editor....

April 5, 2023 · 6 min
React to Next.js

Migrate From create-react-app to Next.js for Static Site Generation

Introduction Recently, I was building my portfolio site using React and the built-in create-react-app toolchain. The webpage worked well and I was able to deploy it on GitHub Pages with ease. However, create-react-app uses client-side rendering, which causes an obvious layout shift of the components when the page is first loaded or refreshed. Not a big deal, but it’s annoying😠. Since the webpage doesn’t change often, the best solution is to utilize static site generation (SSG), which pre-renders the page and thus eliminate the layout shift....

February 26, 2023 · 8 min
Dev Containers Extension

Using Docker with VSCode for Local Development

Introduction Whenever we want to start working on a new project with new tools or frameworks, the first step is always to install the dependencies for local development. However, the installation process could be painful especially if different versions of existing tools are needed, forcing us to have multiple versions that eat up the storage space on our device. Not to mention, the installed tools could be located all over the place, making it hard to locate and uninstall them when they are no longer needed....

February 16, 2023 · 5 min