
Hello, I'm
Chin Hang.

A Software Engineer who loves building products.

My work mainly focuses on software development. I love to build solutions that could change the way we work, and at the same time I put strong emphasis on building good software. This means having great maintainability, extensibility, scalability, etc. Outside of work, I study stock market. I read news every day to get up-to-date with the latest information, and I do financial planning from time to time to achieve my goals.
Python, Ruby, Golang, SQL, Java, JavaScript
Tools / Libraries
Docker, Ruby on Rails, Redis, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, AWS, Google Cloud, React


Collaborative Coding Platform

A web app that connects people to solve coding problems together.

Express.js, MongoDB, Docker, Google Cloud, Github CI/CD

Augmented Reality App

AR application that runs on NReal AR glasses. Does object tracking, face detection, dimension estimation, etc. in the 3D world.

C#, C++, Unity, OpenCV, AI, MRTK

Game Bot

An OSU! game bot that does autoplay and autopilot for bored players seeking refreshed OSU! experience.

C++, Windows API

MP3 Player

A MP3 player for OSU! rhythm game that let the users listen to the songs they have downloaded in the game. Provides functionalities such as filtering, hide songs, download songs, etc.

JavaFX, SQLite3

Smart Robot Car

A wireless robot car that could be controlled remotely from mobile app. A camera is mounted on the controllable robot arm to stream real-time surrounding video for navigation.

Android, Python, Raspberry Pi

Wanna know more about me?
Check out my blog